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COVID-19 HHRC Update: Stats, Amended Grand County Recreation Playbook, and General Operating Protocols

June 18, 2020 7:30 pm

Information shared from Grand Country Public Health

COVID-19 Update

+Deaths due to COVID-19.

Amended Grand County Recreation Playbook

In addition to Grand County Public Health’s  Amendment Order to the May 29 Public Health Order, GCPH has also revised the Recreation Playbook. The purpose of these amendments is to ease restrictions on specific protective measures related to recreation. Recreation is critical to the physical, social, emotional, economic and mental health of our communities. These community assets require guidance to safely operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The playbook is a compilation of work from Fraser Valley Metropolitan Recreation District, Colorado Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA), industry experts, Grand County Public Health and the Grand County COVID-19 Incident Management Team. 

The protocols in the Recreation Playbook have been developed based on and in compliance with current County and State public health orders.  The document will be updated when applicable changes are made to public health orders and as we continue to analyze the numbers, the data, and the situation on the ground. In addition to this guidance, recreational operators should also incorporate industry-specific guidance to help prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. The Recreation Playbook is to be used for the purpose of recreation only, if a facility has a restaurant, retail business, etc., then those specific operation guidelines should be implemented. For guidance related to lodging, life rites, restaurants, and worship, please see the May 29 Standing Public Health Order and its Amendment Order. For guidance to other sectors, please visit

General Operating Protocols

There are specific protective measures and overarching principles that all residents, businesses, and guests will be expected to abide by during the COVID-19 pandemic. Plan for and expect that these guidelines will be in place for at least the next six (6) months.  Those guidelines are as follows:

  • Minimize non-essential travel and recreate responsibly
  • Limit gatherings to small groups, do not congregate
  • Anyone showing signs or symptoms of being sick must stay home
  • Limit, where possible,  all high and medium risk interactions
  • Practice good personal hygiene (wash hands frequently, cover coughs, do not touch your face)
  • Wear face coverings in public areas
  • Protect our vulnerable populations like the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions
  • Maintain 6-foot distancing from others
  • Increase ventilation as much as possible in all facilities
  • Frequent sanitation of high touch surfaces
  • Use cleaning and sanitizing products that meet EPA standards and CDC requirements
  • Understand that it truly is safer at home 

We have to continue working together, taking each day and challenge one at a time. The most important thing to understand is that every step forward is going to depend on compliance. Adherence to the guidelines put in place is crucial in our effort to move forward. Especially as our community continues learning how to adjust and adapt to COVID-19. 

Grand County Recreation Playbook Update 6-12-20

Read Full Amendment Order